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Louis Pizitz Middle School

Learning Without Limits

1.13.2025 Pizitz Post for Families

Posted Date: 1/13/25 (3:00 PM)

The Pizitz Post
for Students, Parents & Families
January 13, 2025
All the Snow Day Fun!
We hope you and your families enjoyed all-the-fun in the snow! I know our teachers had a great time with their kiddos playing and sledding in the snow.

Back to school we go! We are jumping right back into our routines and rhythms. Here is what to expect for the week ahead (and adjustments that were made due to our snow day).

  • iReady Testing (for reading) with an alternate schedule takes place TODAY.
  • 6th grade students can expect to receive their new Chromebooks (with nice cases) today and tomorrow.
  • A pep-rally (with an altered schedule) is planned for Thursday of this week. We will plan to livestream the event for parents and families.
Book Club
Come Join Us!
We are excited to offer a parent book club for any Pizitz parent who is interested in taking a closer look at the book: The Anxious Generation.

Feel free to join us for one or all three book club meetings. If you don't have a copy of the book, we will have one for you to borrow. Don't have time to read, come and join in the conversation and learn from others. Fill out the Google Form here to share your interest and get more details.
PTO Meeting Today
All parents are welcome! Come join us for a PTO meeting at 12:30 today in our library. We meet monthly and provide regular teacher and principal updates to help you stay informed about school happenings. If you are unable to attend in person, feel free to join us via Google Meet (link provided through PTO). The start of the year is a great time to join!
Reminders for Parents & Families
Chromebooks: All students are receiving new Chromebooks in January when they turn in their old device. The new devices came with heavy-duty cases which need to remain on the Chromebook. We reminded students this week that these devices are school property and students will be using these devices for the next several years. It is important that they keep them in good condition.

Students will not be getting new chargers. Their current charger should work with the new device. If they have lost their charger, they will need to contact the school office to purchase a new one.

Some students are concerned that the Chromebooks are heavier and more bulky with the new case. Although many students choose not to use their locker, we are reminding them that their locker is available so their bookbag does not get too heavy.

iReady Mid-Year Testing: iReady is used to monitor student progress in the areas of reading and math. Students are monitored three times yearly up through 8th grade year in VHCS. Once students complete testing, we will provide you with a report of their progress. The iReady test aligns closely with our state standards and state assessments. It gives our teachers an additional tool to check on students growth over time and ensure they are getting the supports they need at school to be successful.
Student Involvement
Red White and Blue Bash
Pep Rally THIS Thursday!
It is time for our Red, White and Blue pep-rally at Pizitz! Make sure to represent YOUR grade-level best.

6th Grade: Wear Blue
7th Grade: Wear White
8th Grade: Wear Red
Career Day
Every year, we look forward to opening our school to LOTS of community members and parents who come to share with us about their careers. Students, we look forward to hosting the Career Day event at the end of the month on January 24.
Dance Class
The Pizitz dance class is accepting new students for the spring semester. In this class you will learn the basics of several different styles of dance.  

Here are a few important things to know about the class class:
When/Where:  Class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:30 on the stage in the upper gym 
Pick up: Starts promptly at 3:30. Students should be picked up in the 7th grade carpool loop
Dress: Students should dress in something they can comfortably dance and move in. They are welcome to change clothes before class if needed.
Shoes: You will need skin toned jazz shoes. Parents may purchase their own or Ms. Bostany can order them for you for $26.00.
Performance: Our class will perform in the Spring Showcase at Vestavia High School. Rehearsal will be May 7th and the show is May 8th.

Contact Ms. Bostany at to sign up or just stop by the upper gym during our class time.
Jordan Sonnenblick is visiting Pizitz!
Tuesday, February 11, Jordan Sonnenblick, author of Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pies, will be visiting Pizitz. He will speak to the entire school at a morning assembly, autograph copies of his books, and hold a writer's workshop in the afternoon. Be sure to bring your book(s) to school February 11 for him to autograph.
Calling All Poets!
Do you like to write poetry? Would you like your poem included in the Young American Poetry Digest? If so, stop by the library to find out more information and pick up an application! The deadline for entries is March 21, 2025.
Outdoor Track & Field
Attention 7th & 8th Graders:
Do you like to run? Do you like to jump? Do you like to throw things? Then Track & Field might be the sport for you!

There are 3 informational meetings for the Outdoor Track & Field Team:
1. Tuesday, January 14, 8th period in the Library/Media Center
2. Tuesday, January 21, 8th period in the Library/Media Center
3. Monday, January 27 8th period in the Library/Media Center - for athletes in Winter Sports

Students must check in with their 8th period teacher first for attendance then come to the Library/Media Center.

Students must meet with Coach Williams before signing up for the team.

Outdoor Track & Field sign-up end Jan. 31.

Go Pirates!
First Priority
First Priority is a student-led, Christian organization that meets before school at Pizitz. If you are interested in leading prayer, devotions, or games at First Priority meetings, or if you are already part of First Priority Leadership, join us at 7:30 this Wednesday, January 15th in Mrs. Windle's Room (A113). We will make plans for the upcoming semester. If you have questions, reach out to Mrs. Windle (
Softball Opportunity
The Vestavia Hills Softball Association is offering softball to students up through age 13. If you are interested in participating, check out this flyer for more information on registration, deadlines, and details.

*This is not a school-affiliated softball organization, but a partnership with Vestavia Hills Parks & Recreation. Contact them for specific questions.
Extended Learning Opportunity
Vestavia City School Board has approved a 5-day a week Bible class during 8th period. It meets all legal requirements for a “Release Time” Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO). It is privately funded, off campus and parents must opt in. Registration is now open until January 20. The class size is 5-26 students.

Our teacher, Mrs. Yer Lor was a High Honor Graduate from Moody Bible Institute in 2022 and received her Master’s in Divinity from Beeson in 2024. She has taught a variety of children’s ministries over the years and looks forward to this new opportunity. School Ministries of Alabama and local churches coordinate to provide this Release Time ELO to our students. 

Classes will meet daily 2:40-3:40pm.
Students will be transported from Pizitz to Mt. Top Community Church.
Parents will pick students up at the church.

Registration is now open until January 20: click this link to register your student:  Pizitz Middle School | School Ministries AL
Classes will begin January 27.

*Please note that Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) are an extension of the state department with the goal to provide additional classes through community efforts that are not offered in the public school. Any organization or provider who meets the criteria outlined in board policy, in coordination with the school, can provide an extended learning opportunity for students. If you have questions about the process for creating an ELO in Vestavia Hills City Schools, you can reach out to our district coordinator, Dr. Antonio Cooper, or if you have additional questions about this development, you can contact Dr. Hunsberger or Ms. Morgan at Pizitz.