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Louis Pizitz Middle School

Learning Without Limits

1.7.2025 Pizitz Post for Families

Posted Date: 1/07/25 (3:00 PM)

The Pizitz Post
for Students, Parents & Families
January 7, 2025
Happy New Year!
As we launch into the third nine weeks, we are hitting reset for the second semester. We are thrilled to have students back in the building after the break. After a few weeks off, it is a good time to recalibrate our schedules and update our routines and rhythms. We plan to meet with each grade-level this week to review our student expectations and revisit our collective commitment to our creed: character, excellence, and family. During student assemblies, we plan to discuss some of the feedback from our students, parents and teachers from first semester. We will also share some encouraging student data, and give reminders for helpful ways that students can contribute to creating a safe and happy environment for everyone at Pizitz.

On Wednesday, give your kid a little pop-quiz when they hop in the car after school. Ask them what they learned during our grade-level assemblies.

As a family, now is a good time to refresh plans for students' sleep routines and technology-use. Research supports that students in the middle school age bracket actually need 9-11 hours of sleep each night. Often times, it is technology use (such as gaming and/or late chatting and Facetiming) that keep students from sleep. While technology can be a wonderful tool, it can also be a distraction for needed sleep. It is helpful to put parameters on student technology use. Encourage students to shutdown their technology 30-60 minutes prior to going to bed. Putting phones and Chromebooks in a shared location (such as the kitchen) for charging each evening is a helpful way to keep these from distracting students during the night hours.

Additional helpful tools can be found in Jonathan Haidt's book, The Anxious Generation. I highly recommend this book to anyone investing in the next generation (both parents and educators can benefit). Many staff members at Pizitz are participating in a book study now.
Healthroom Update
Here are a few reminders regarding student illness to note as we enter the new year. Students should remain at home if they are experiencing the following:

  • Temperature higher than 100 degrees (remain at home for 24 hours without a fever reducer)
  • Vomiting within the last 12 hours
  • Unexplained diarrhea 
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) that has not been treated for 24 hours
  • Injury or illness requiring intensive medical services
  • Adverse side effects from medication that needs monitoring
  • Head lice untreated

There are also some contagious conditions that carry special requirements about returning to school, such as strep throat, chicken pox, flu, Covid, etc. If your student has a condition or illness that you are unsure about with regards to school attendance, please contact your student’s healthcare provider first or your school nurse before sending your child back to school.

Please refer to the Vestavia City School website for further information regarding health services at school. The following link is for medications at school:
Please refer to our guidelines regarding medication in the school setting. All other health information is listed under the Health Services tab under Students & Families. 

We also ask for the parent to send in a doctor's note and/or parent note upon returning to school so that we may adjust their attendance. Please email or text Nurse Nancy for any concerns.

Work Cell: 205-936-1280 (text preferred)
Office: 205-402-5376
As a reminder, many students experienced illness before the break. If you have a parent or doctor's excuse for absence before the break, please send them with your child (or email the school) this week in order for those dates to be excused.

Students are eligible for up to ten (combined) parent or principal approved absence. If you know in advance about an absence this semester, go ahead and get the pre-excuse form completed for your child and make sure they know they are responsible for work they miss.
Updates for THIS Week!
Chromebooks: All students will be getting updated Chromebooks. Throughout the week, students will be turning in their current Chromebook for a new device with a case. Remember that these devices are school property and students will be using these devices for the next several years. It is important that they keep them in good condition. Students will not be getting new chargers. Their current charger should work with the new device. If they have lost their charger, they will need to contact the school office to purchase a new one.

iReady Mid-Year Testing: iReady is used to monitor student progress in the areas of reading and math. Students will be evaluated on Thursday and Friday of this week. We will have an altered schedule both days. They will report to their homeroom class first on both days.
Student Involvement
Student Section
As a reminder, our winter sports will be winding down after January. We have several upcoming opportunities to show our strong school spirit. Make plans to attend a basketball game, wrestling match, or track meet to cheer on your peers.

Check out the school calendar here to see the school events.

Having students at the games make the experience so much fun! Come out to support your friends and cheer on our teams!
Extended Learning Opportunity
An extended learning opportunity (ELO) Bible education class is being offered to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students every school day during 8th Period beginning Monday, January 27th. The authorized ELO provider is School Ministries Alabama (; students will be transported by church and non-profit buses from the school to classes meeting in the Student Center at Mountaintop Church, and parents must pick up their student at that location after class ends at 3:40 p.m. Enrollment is limited to 26 students and will close Tuesday, January 21st; parent/guardian permission is required and can be completed online at to enroll your student.

*Please note that Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) are an extension of the state department with the goal to provide additional classes through community efforts that are not offered in the public school. Any organization or provider who meets the criteria outlined in board policy, in coordination with the school, can provide an extended learning opportunity for students. If you have questions about the process for creating an ELO in Vestavia Hills City Schools, you can reach out to our district coordinator, Dr. Antonio Cooper, or if you have additional questions about this development, you can contact Dr. Hunsberger or Ms. Morgan at Pizitz.