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Louis Pizitz Middle School

Learning Without Limits

Check In/Out Procedures

If a student needs to check-out during class, a parent or guardian may come to the school during the last five minutes of the class period. Because instructional time is valued, we will not call into the classroom prior to the last five minutes of the class period. 

If, however, that is not a good time for the student to check out, a parent has the option to write a note to the teacher requesting the student be allowed to leave class at a specific time. It is the student’s responsibility to know the time he/she needs to leave class. Office staff will not interrupt classroom instruction to call a student to the front office. Due to carpool and end-of-school activities, check-outs are not permitted beyond 2:30 each day. 

Students can only be checked out of school by a parent, guardian, or adult who has been approved for checkout. If the parent, guardian, or adult is not on the emergency contact list, the parent of the child would need to send an email or note to the school to confirm the person is permitted to checkout. Everyone checking a student out of school is required to enter the building through the front office and provide their driver’s license to the attendance secretary. 

If parents need to add adults to the student’s emergency contact list, they may come to the front office to do so. Pizitz front office hours are 7:15 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday.